Protecting Your Intellectual Property: Key Measures Against Potential Infringements

For innovators, entrepreneurs, or business operators, a significant portion of your efforts is likely devoted to crafting unique products and services. However, with innovation comes potential intellectual property (IP) infringement. According to the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, more than 85% of novice inventors have encountered unauthorized duplication of their inventions. Therefore, it is crucial to safeguard your invention to avoid potential legal complexities and retain control over its use and profit generation. In this article, we'll explore necessary actions when encountering infringement on your IP rights—offering you peace of mind that your hard work is protected!

Understanding Intellectual Property Infringement

Intellectual property infringement involves the unauthorized utilization of another's IP, such as using copyrighted work without consent, creating an unauthorized replica of a patented invention, or selling a product that breaches someone else's trademark.

1. Copyright Infringement: This happens when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, or performed without the copyright owner's permission, subject to both civil and criminal penalties based on infringement severity and intention.

2. Patent Infringement: This involves unauthorized utilization of a patented invention. Civil or criminal penalties can apply based on infringement severity and intention.

3. Trademark Infringement: This refers to unauthorized use of a trademark associated with specific goods or services, punishable by civil or criminal penalties depending on infringement severity and intention.

Infringement can significantly impact businesses, leading to financial losses and wasted time. So, how can you shield yourself from it?

Defending Your Creative Output Against Infringement

Register your creative work with the United States Copyright Office to protect against infringement. This grants you legal rights and makes litigation for infringement straightforward. Protect your copyright further by marking your work with the copyright symbol © and the publication year. You can also send cease-and-desist letters to infringers or resort to a lawsuit if necessary.

Shielding Your Brand or Name Against Infringement

Protecting your trademark from infringement can involve several measures. Registering the trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is a common method, signified by the trademark symbol ®. Businesses can utilize the USPTO's online database to verify registered trademarks and understand protections provided.

State trademark registrations and common law trademark rights can also safeguard your trademark in specific states. Additionally, contracts and other intellectual property agreements like non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and licensing contracts can help safeguard your trademarks.

Safeguarding Your Invention Against Infringement

Several measures can protect your patent from infringement. Most importantly, patent your invention correctly and register the patent application with the USPTO. Using a patent marking can deter potential infringers. In case of infringement, enforcing your patent rights through a lawsuit may be necessary.

Action Plan for Intellectual Property Infringement

If you suspect that someone is infringing on your intellectual property, it's crucial to act quickly.

1. Copyright Infringement: Send a cease-and-desist letter to the infringer immediately. If the infringement persists, consider filing a lawsuit.

2. Trademark Infringement: Verify if the suspect is infringing by searching the USPTO's Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS). If you establish infringement, send a cease-and-desist letter. If the infringement continues, consider a lawsuit.

3. Patent Infringement: Consult with an attorney to decide the best approach. Actions might include sending a cease-and-desist letter, filing a lawsuit, or seeking an injunction.


Understanding what constitutes IP infringement and how to safeguard yourself is fundamental. If you suspect that your IP rights are being infringed, contacting a proficient attorney is vital. At Ed White Law, we specialize in handling all IP infringement cases and are ready to assist you in securing your valuable IP. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation.


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